Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Baby Announcement

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I created this so that I could send to the doctor that delivered these precious babies! I saw them for 2 years straight and I miss them! They need to know what they got to know in utero! :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011


It's been awhile. Since I last posted we added another two feet to our family! :) We welcomed Emma Grace into our family on October 24, 2010. That is 12 months and 11 days after we welcomed Zakary into our family. Wow, you might say! Yep, things happened quickly and unexpectedly but nonetheless gladly. Lexi is now 16 years old, learning to drive, and nearly considered a Junior. Alot can happen in two years!

I apologize in advance...I am not the world class photographer that I wished I was so some of my pictures aren't that great, but you get my point!

Today Emma Grace is 5 months old.

Zak LOVES to be outside and to discover all the new sites and sounds it has to offer.

These last 16 years with Lexi have gone by waayyy too fast!

Ha! I'm gonna try and update my blog more often instead of every two years! :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hot summer days!

I had my monthly appointment today. Baby Zak is doing good and growing!! The doc commented this morning while he was trying to find Zak to get his heartbeat, "He's an active boy!" Ummm...yes, sir he IS!! As I was waiting for the doctor to come into the room I watched my tummy move ALOT. Sometimes I wonder what Zak is doing in there...some times it feels like he is break dancing! It might be that Zak was a little hungry this morning and reminding me that he was in there and not to forget him. WE were hungry this morning because I had the lovely diabetes test. No worries...I fed us both at the first opportunity I got!

Anyway, we are progressing along nicely and I feel Zak moving more now close to my rib cage as well as all around. Not sure if his position has moved up or if he is just getting LONGER!! I still have a lot of heartburn...even drinking water gives me heartburn...and my sister has scared me by her comment, "Oh, he's probably going to be a big boy!" Man! Thinking about that makes me a little (OK - a lot) nervous about the day of delivery. Maybe all it means is that he'll just have a lot of hair! Yeah, that's it! :)

Lexi is trying to keep busy still this summer and is sleeping a lot which means she's growing too! She has volleyball camp next week which is always an exciting time. We will be going school clothes shopping soon since school starts Aug 24. Can't believe summer is halfway over.

Charles is still working out in this heat and it doesn't seem to bother him that much. Of course, I continually stay on him about keeping hydrated and as cool as possible. I think he's doing a good job with both of those. He's good and doesn't complain much...he just gets out there and does the job.

We have been doing a lot of rearranging in anticipation of Zak's arrival and are now at a point finally where we can paint Zak's room!! Yeah, because I am ready to start getting his room in order. :) One of my favorite parts about a new baby.

Monday, June 15, 2009


It has been requested that I update this blog!! :) So, here it goes.

1) We have decided to spell our soon-to-be-born son's name slightly different - Zakary (only one "k")
2) He's growing and doing lots of moving in mommy's tummy!
3) Daddy is getting excited about Baby Zak coming and talks to him as often as he can!
4) The coolest big sister in the world is just that...she's the coolest...who, by the way, is going to be a Freshman at Robert E Lee High School this Fall.

Our summer is busy so far. I don't want to wish it away because I know the first day of school (high school, might remind you) will be here soon enough. Lexi is helping Grandma teach swimming this summer and trying to make some extra money. Lexi has already been to summer camp at Pine Cove and had a BLAST. She said she saw God work in so many ways. What a refreshing time for her. Not to mention she got a bit of a tan! :) Charles is busy working away at his weekly job and then tries to sqeeeeeze in some time for his music and getting the house ready for Zak. We've got lots still left to do and some unexpected repairs have come up too.

My next doctor appointment is June 18 and we'll see how Baby Zak is progressing. I think he's doing mighty fine as he's letting me know quite often that he's in there!!

Friday, May 29, 2009

New bloggers

Hey! Decided I would set one of these up since our family is expanding! Be on the lookout for more pics and news to come soon!